Review: The Shadows Watch

Detective Sergeant Jarrod O’Connor is back and this time he’s taking the law into his own hands.
The third instalment of Jack Roney’s series has raised the stakes and brings readers to the thrilling and satisfying climax that has irrevocably linked Detective O’Connor to a string of fanatic serial killers.
Set in rural Sydney, Roney has a gift for bringing Australian territory to life through vivid imagery and vibrant use of Australian fauna and slang.
Once again, the small town of Lockyer is shaken by the presence of a radical serial killer who will stop at nothing, and spare no one, to get to his goal.
The ghost of Miles Vincent haunts the novel, and his sinful methods and ideologies live on in murderer Kaleb Carmichael.
A game of cat-and-mouse
Having escaped police custody, Kaleb stalks Detective O’Connor in a disturbing game of cat-and-mouse as the detective relentlessly pursues the criminal, making you ponder who will catch the other first.
Readers get close and personal with antagonist Kaleb Carmichael as we discover his motives and connections with Miles Vincent and find out more about the infamous murderer and the beginnings of his villainous crusade.
Jack Roney has created a story that goes beyond crime fiction and delves into themes of religion and the control we have over our own destinies.
A father’s love
The story has a familial element that makes Jarrod O’Connor all the more relatable, and likeable.
Nothing will stop this father from protecting the ones he loves. Nestled within thrilling action scenes are the intimate, ordinary activities of fatherhood which truly show the reader that Jarrod has everything to lose, and everything to fight for.
Jarrod is forced to face the demons of his past while fighting against his grief. He is driven to actions that make him grapple with his moral compass and question his authority as an officer of the law.
Experience provides inspiration
Jack Roney’s 33 years as a police officer is evident and his experience brings the realistic and gritty details of police work to life on paper. Colourful crime scenes, thrilling action sequences and police dialogue all give the novel an authentic atmosphere.
“The Shadows Watch” is a gut wrenching and heart-breaking fast-paced novel that will keep you hooked and wanting more. Jarrod’s story will have you crying, screaming, and laughing, all within its 245 pages.
If you are a fan of thrilling crime action and page turning twists, “The Shadows Watch” is one that you won’t be able to put down.