Traditional Contracts
Manuscripts that are exemplary, original and the kind sought after by readers will be considered for a trade publishing contract. Ideally, your work needs to be professionally edited prior to submitting and be ready to be published with a light line edit and proofreading. If you wish to seek our assistance you can engage one of our professional editors in a Structure Assessment.
Author-Assisted Contracts
In an exceptional circumstance when we believe you have a very good manuscript and a book that we strongly believe will be embraced by the market, but your manuscript requires significant further work and professional editing assistance, we may take you on under an author-assisted contract. Please note, this option is only available to those manuscripts that have passed through a rigorous selection process. This is not a self-publishing service. Rather, it is a traditional contract with professional editing services included at competitive market rates.
We accept:
Adult Genre Fiction
Faction (fiction inspired by a real event)
Young Adult
We do not accept:
Comic Books
We are open for unsolicited pitches for Australian non-fiction.
We accept agent pitches for fiction manuscripts.
Each year, we offer trade contracts to winners and place-getters in the Hawkeye Manuscript Development Prize. Many unrepresented authors have achieved publication this way.
We periodically open for unsolicited submissions for fiction. Please subscribe to our newsletter to be alerted of our call outs. The subscription box can be found below.
When we do this, we seek fresh voices and captivating stories. From gripping thrillers to heartwarming romances, thought-provoking non-fiction to enchanting children's tales, we accept submissions across various genres and styles.
We accept:
- Creative non-fiction – junior reader and adult
- Faction (fiction based on a true event)
- Serialised YA or junior reader fiction
- Fiction: romance, mystery, crime or popular
- Self-help
- Market-sought Memoir
- Picture books – we accept author/illustrator submissions.
Whether you’re a seasoned or aspiring author, we welcome your submission.
In your pitch email, please include (in 200 words):
- Title
- Genre
- Word count
- If the manuscript has been professionally edited and by who
- Any award credits on the manuscript
- Any award credits the author has received for prior work
- Author’s marketing reach
- Author bio
- Elevator pitch
Please also include:
- 300 word synopsis
We ask that your pitch email does not exceed 500 words, and that you do not attach any part of the manuscript.
We will acknowledge receipt of your pitch, and then request the first three chapters of your manuscript if you are successful in the initial stage of review. If successful in the second stage, we will then request your full manuscript.
Non-fiction submissions are now being accepted. We do not accept fiction submissions outside of our call out periods. If you wish to bring your work to our attention, please consider entering one of our Writing Competitions.
More Info
Hawkeye is an independent trade publishing house, passionate about bringing quality books into the marketplace. We thank all who submit unsolicited manuscripts to us, however due to the number of submissions we receive, you may only hear from us if you are shortlisted for publication. Shortlisted authors usually hear from us within three months.
We are best placed to assist Australian and New Zealand authors in terms of our publicity reach; we will however consider authors from other countries where the author demonstrates there is benefit in having an Australian publisher.
If you have any questions please get in touch via the Contact Form.