Casey Nott

Casey Nott

Q&A with Author Casey Nott

What inspired you to be a writer?

I’ve always loved writing and storytelling and I’ve dabbled with writing novels in the past but they never made it past a rough draft. I don’t think I could have written the books that I’m writing now when I was younger. I needed a bit life experience under my belt to enrich my storytelling.

Books are a staple ingredient in my life. I love the escapism that reading gives me as I immerse myself in a made-up world, that feels completely real. If I can give a reader that experience, then I’ve done my job.

What prompted you to write 'Forgotten'?

I kept having the same conversations with many of my women friends about how tired and invisible we felt in our lives. After looking after our families there wasn’t a lot of time or energy left for ourselves. We wanted more, but didn’t know what the ‘more’ part was, because we were lost in our roles as caregivers. 

Forgotten explores that loss of identity, in quite a dramatic way, but it touches on themes that are common to all women at some point in their lives. It’s also a celebration of female friendship and how those relationships provide the scaffold in our lives. This book is for anyone who’s woken up at forty and wondered what happened to their life.

Do you have any more books in the pipeline?

Yes! I’m always marinating on ideas, and they often come to me in the middle of the night which is why I keep a notebook on my bedside table. This is (hopefully) just the beginning of my writing career.

What is your professional background?

I spent ten years working as a Chartered Accountant, working in Melbourne and London, before coming to the conclusion that accounting wasn’t the dream career I’d hoped for. I went on to study health science with a focus on nutrition and health promotion, which I loved. Learning new things has always lit a fire underneath me in the best way. Then, after having my children the urge to write stories intensified and I’ve been working on that in the background for about nine years now. 

Any advice you’d like to give aspiring writers?

Keep writing! Showing up regularly at my desk has been important to gain momentum with my writing. There is no perfect time to write so I carve out time whenever I can.

I’ve also learnt that first drafts are woeful – as they should be! Nobody writes a perfect first draft, and I’m now leaning into that more as I write my second book.

Who/what inspires you?

Other writers inspire me all the time, particularly the local Australian writing community. I’ve met the most amazing people who really champion one another. Their willingness to help and support each another is so uplifting, in a business that can typically be quite cut throat and difficult to break into. They motivate me to keep going when it feels hard (which it often does!) and remind me why we’re all doing this. Writing can be quite a lonely endeavour, yet I don’t feel alone thanks to all the friends I’ve made.

What are your hobbies, interests and favourite books?

When I’m not running around after my three kids, I love being creative and making things. Whether it’s cooking or craft, I’m always happiest when I have a little project on the go. My favourite way to start the day is with a Yoga session and a walk along the beach. Those activities let my mind wander and help get my ideas flowing.

Asking me what my favourite book is, is liking asking who my favourite child is! Impossible! I read a wide variety of genres and always have at least two books on the go at any one time. As a teenager I loved Jane Austen and her strong female characters and I’ve never picked up a Jodi Picoult book that I didn’t love. If I need a big warm hug ,my go to is Emily Henry or Marian Keyes. 

This year I’ve been consciously reading more books by Australian authors because our home-grown talent is amazing.

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