‘A captivating book. Topical, folkloric, lyrical, emotional, unselfconsciously Australian, rich in character with a distinctive voice. Treat yourself by reading this wonderfully crafted story. Has echoes of a theatrical piece. A serious contribution to Australian literature.’ Peter Long, Author
‘Stylish and suburban, this book caught my attention with its unique prose and intriguing characters. The struggles of our leads here are so relatable and heartbreaking, their chemistry is fraught and sizzling, and the fact that they keep fighting for a better ending then the one they first got really captures that ‘never back down’ Aussie grit. Couldn’t rate it higher.’ Nita Delgado, Editor & Reviewer
‘Literary fiction that expertly portrays quintessential Australian culture of decades past. This writer has a
distinctive style, and it makes for a captivating and
thought-provoking read.’ Cate Sawyer, Author
‘Here is a novella that celebrates Australia all its grandness and minute detail, from TimTams to spectacular night skies.’ Dr Paul Williams, University of the Sunshine Coast
‘A gritty tale of a man forced to reckon with himself and his past when his future is no longer promised. This Australian Story is bursting at the seams with deeply layered characters, Aussie humour, and an individual and unique writing style that lends itself to this quirky setting.’ Meesha Whittam, Reviewer
‘Brimming with Aussie flavour. A fine narrative on life’s challenges.’ Morgan Price, Reviewer